

Posted by Gentle Giant, Ltd. on 07/08/2020

There were so many great shots that entered the Photo Contest, we had a hard time choosing the best ones. So here are Toyshooter's Honorable Mentions, presented with his feedback. 

All of our Honorable Mentions will get a $25 online gift card! Congratulations!

If you're interested in learning more about collectible photography, check out Toyshooter's photography course!

Submitted by Bogdan B.:

Toyshooter: Amazing work and setup here for this Cantina themed shot. Totally appreciate the effort made here with idea, lighting, diorama and effects.

Submitted by Gelayel S.:

Toyshooter: Gelayel's shot isn't the best technically, but the creativity in lighting that background to mimic a spell from Draco's wand is exactly the kind of creativity we were looking for in this competition

Submitted by José G.:

Toyshooter: I love how contained Jose's story is within this shot, along with the simple color palette across the pieces.

Submitted by Rogelio R.:

Toyshooter: Beautiful black and white shot and understanding of contrast with the staging and lighting choices here.

Submitted by Laura Q.:

Toyshooter: Another incredible setup and I can see the hours of time put into this shot by Laura

Congratulations to all our Honorable Mentions! 3rd Place Winner Announcement coming soon!